(this page is updated weekly)

We Moved!

Our apothecary, nursery and school are now located at 6340 Central Ave., St. Pete!

*Please note that any herbal formula or raw herb pick up will only be done at our 6340 Central location, NOT 2520 Central. Thank you for supporting us through this exciting time as we adapt and change to best meet your needs!

Martina Kostova TCM Class Offerings

Understanding Tongue and Pulse Diagnostics- Thursday, May 9th 6pm-8pm

Martina will help you gain a better understanding of pulse diagnosis based on different Chinese masters. Learn the proper way of taking the pulse and an understanding the different depths and positions and how they translate into disorders in the body. Explore tongue images and their meanings, sublingual veins and their significance in diagnostics.

Register Here

Check out the latest podcast episode: A Place For Herbs In Mental Health With Herbalist Sierra Nank

In this episode we get to explore the often neglected realm of mental and emotional health. Herbalist and soon to be Acupuncture Physician Sierra Nank shares with us her many years of experience in working with people struggling with mental and emotional health. She talks about the role of herbs, diet and lifestyle in getting things under control as well as some things to stay away from, herb and drug interactions and so much more!